Meet the updated iMedX Senior Leadership Team. A brilliant team, whose collective strength will allow iMedX to drive innovation and deliver value to our partners in the Australian healthcare industry.
Understanding the Distinction: Education vs. Training in Clinical Coding for Excellence in Healthcare
Education and training are frequently interchanged, yet they represent distinct concepts with varied objectives and results. At iMedX, we recognise the importance of distinguishing between education and training, particularly for individuals and organisations aiming to cultivate essential skills and knowledge in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.
Introducing eSOne™ InstaNote AI-Powered Clinical Documentation
AI-powered precision transforms clinical documentation, saving you both time and money. See how iMedX is revolutionising the way clinical documentation is produced and delivered, giving time back to patient care.
Case Study: Specialist letter integration with My Health Record
Context & background The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA), responsible for the roll out of My Health Record - a secure, online summary of an individuals key healthcare information, accessible by the individual and healthcare providers whenever they need it…
InstaNote – Transforming clinical documentation with AI-powered efficiency
iMedX, under our exclusive partnership with DeliverHealth is pleased to present eSOneTM InstaNote, an AI-powered documentation tool designed to transform the way clinicians document patient outcomes.