
Introducing InstaNote

AI-Powered Documentation: Patient outcomes documented instantly at the click of a button to give time back to care.

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Leveraging Generative-AI

Leveraging generative AI, InstaNote translates dictations and conversations into transcribed documentation within seconds.

Through cutting-edge and secure speech recognition and generative-AI technology, InstaNote can accelerate the pace at which patients receive documentation of their visits, while ensuring secure and high-quality outcomes.

InstaNote Benefits

  • Flexibility and choice:  As with all the documentation features in the iMedX clinical documentation solution, clinicians have the option to use InstaNote flexibly, meaning it can be their primary method of document creation, or used case-by-case or by letter type.
  • From patient to provider, delivery times reduced:  InstaNote provides near instant transcribed documentation, cutting down on transcriptionist turnaround times. Clinicians can use InstaNote confidently for any priority cases and be assured their letter will be ready within seconds to deliver.
  • Cost savings:  InstaNote provides hospitals and clinicians up to 40% cost savings from traditional transcription services
  • Efficiency creation:  InstaNote cuts down documentation time by up to 1 hour per day. From dictation, InstaNote takes over the transcription and letter creation components of the traditional transcription workflow, meaning less reliance on outsource transcription and improved opportunities to redirect precious resources towards enhancing patient care and operational efficiency.
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InstaNote Features

  • Security:  (a) InstaNote operates within the eSOne platform that is compliant with all privacy regulations; (b) No data leaves the Australian Microsoft Azure environment; (c) The Large Language Models used are not open source.
  • Cutting-edge speech recognition and generative AI technology
  • User friendly solution
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Patient outcomes documented instantly at the click of a button to give time back to care.

InstaNote translates dictations and conversations into transcribed documentation within seconds.

Through cutting-edge and secure speech recognition and generative-AI technology, InstaNote can accelerate the pace at which patients receive documentation of their visits, while ensuring secure and high-quality outcomes.