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Why Choose iMedX?

We seek to understand the needs of your end-users as much as your business needs. That’s the iMedX difference.

Our mission is to help consumers of healthcare to feel cared for and supported by enabling organisations and healthcare providers to operate at their best.

medical transcription services, clinicial documentation improvement, revenue cycle management - imedx.com.au

Quality Outcomes


Maximising the value we deliver by providing on point solutions to enable your business.

Health Specific Expertise


Guide your business development through a team of experienced health and wellness specialists.

Agile & Responsive


Allow you to focus on your customer care while we guide and support your business transformation.

End-to-end Solutions


Delivering positive business benefits from strategy to execution.

Clinical Documentation Solutions

medical transcription for private practice - imedx.com.au

Medical Transcription for Private Practice

Specifically designed to enhance productivity within medical clinics, iMedX solutions combine leading-edge technology, custom workflows and the most qualified people to help busy clinics optimise their clinical documentation workflow.

iMedX meets you where you’re at and can provide a transcription service that aims to support you in delivering excellent patient care and to operate efficiently.

coding auditing and education for hospitals - imedx.com.au

Clinical Documentation for Hospitals and Health Services

Unlock operational efficiencies, cost savings and choice for clinicians in document creation to maximise hospital resources and give time back to patient care.

coding auditing and education for hospitals - imedx.com.au

Coding, Auditing and Education for Hospitals

iMedX has a dedicated team of highly experienced Clinical Auditors who have worked extensively across Australian and New Zealand hospitals.

professional services for revenue cycle in hospitals - imedx.com.au

Health Information Professional Services

We offer professional services for uplift across the Revenue Cycle in hospitals.

Get in touch with us now to explore your specific requirements and discover our valuable services.


We craft dynamic experiences to help you achieve your objectives.